Nontraditional academic advising for today's world.
Why do we call ourselves “subversive” scholars? Simple. Because we’re doing things differently, sometimes outside the standard and established systems of education. Increasingly we see individuals left behind by the traditional systems at play in higher education because they don’t know the unspoken “rules.” We do, and we can help you navigate it. If it’s IRB assistance, getting your dissertation through yet another round of edits by your committee (or heaven-forbid, the institutional review office), or figuring out how to get your conference proposal accepted, we can help. Just hit the “consultation” button at the top and let’s see what we can do together.
We believe education should be equal opportunity for all . . . and we don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
You've worked too hard to give up now, let's get you across the finish line!
Online dissertation bootcamp
Are you ready to succeed? New cohorts enrolling soon!
Research Design & Assistance
Need some help putting your pieces together? Or identifying what those pieces need to be?
Proposal writing
Don't let your research go to waste, present it!
Your future is waiting, let's get to it.
Q Methodologist
Need a committee member well versed in Q?
“Dr. Kat was instrumental in getting my dissertation edited and finished on time. Well worth the investment!” ~B.T., 2017 EdD, NCSU